Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation
As seen in the definition above, phobia is an excessive/irrational fear of something. I am not afraid of spiders or other creepy-crawlies. I don't think they're gonna eat me alive or even injure me -but I do think that they're utterly, incredibly, skin creepingly disgusting. (Wouldn't you agree?)
Call me irrational if you like.
We all experience fear. We all have them, in one form or another. Fear of rejection, of not being good enough, of failing. Fear of small (enclosed)- or wide open spaces. Fear of the dark. Fear of God. Fear of losing someone/something significant to us.
Although some fear is good; it can keep us alive, keep us safe.
Others can be damaging -outright crippling; keeping us from living, holding us back.
Being fearless isn't good either -fearlessness makes one take unnecessary (read stupid) risks and can cause major harm to both yourself and those around you.
I guess it's just like everything else in life, it's about striking a balance.
Like the (for us) famous Swedish saying:
Lagom är bäst.(Lagom means 'just enough', 'in moderation', and is a very typical saying and I guess also motto in Sweden -pretty drab really! Oh and yeah, you guessed it! Bäst means best ; ) )