Monday, July 25, 2011
More on tears, letting go and spankings.
I have recently written much about the release one can get from tears and about letting go, letting down those walls and trusting your partner to maintain control whilst having your interest at heart.
Finding Sara's latest post summarised just about everything I was trying to say -here's an excerpt from it;
"From my perspective, getting the emotional release from spanking is a tricky thing. It is not about the pain, although pain is the trigger. It is really about being able to let go, learning to not have to be in control all the time, trusting your spanker to be the one in control, so that you can let down your walls and let any pent-up emotions up and out. Sometimes that will mean tears. For me, sometimes it will also mean anxiety, fear, worries, anger...whatever I've been holding on to. Like you, letting go of control is very hard for me. There was a time when I worried that I could not cry and I wanted to be able to have that release during a spanking. Grant was very wise in telling me that he knew I would when I was ready, and that it was going to be a process. He was so right. Without him or me putting the pressure on myself, I found my way to feeling more and more safe, able to trust him, and to trust myself, to finally be able to let go."
Thank you Sara for letting me quote you -and for a very well written reply in your post.With love,
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