We're down to a week!
Seven days.
Seven days until i in person will
Serve & Service Sir
as His
subbie & slut.
Seven days till seven sins =P
(OK, not actually planning on committing all seven of them *lol* -just the kinky ones!)
"True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life,through devotion, to something beyond himself."
- Henry Miller
My day was...unproductive. But that's a different story.
This evening was something different though.
Sir and i "met up" on chat and we talked. We share a new fantasy, one that we are planning on realizing when we meet this time -now only a week away! (a loong week though :| )
From there i got the order to go get my clamps.
I said Yes Sir, of course, but maybe with a little less enthusiasm than apparent.
But got them i did.
I feel like i'm losing touch with this blog. It's not for a lack of caring or even a case of writer's block -it's merely a case of lack of inspiration.
I've been back-tracking my blog and i'm realizing that i was actually really writing for a while there! If i dare say it myself, even decently well.
No profound, provocative or funny posts lately at all.
As happy as i am for "being better", i do miss the wordflow in my brain when i am less so. The fact that i'm really scatterbrained and unfocused at the moment don't help (yes, my own fault! That's what happens when you forget to take your meds several days *sigh*)
Waiting for my Huggy-Bear.
Not so quietly.
Ssssh melinda......soon.
Haven't been no pin-ups for a few weeks. No one seems to have noticed really, and very few vote normally anyways.. So i ask you, do you want me to keep it? Or rather bring it back.
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A snug fit |
Last night Sir once more flew to the other side of the world. Wrong side, wrong time.
He'll be away for a week. It will be a tough week. We'll talk. Not as usual but we'll talk. It's not the same though. I miss Him even more when He's away. Even without the time difference. It's strange -i mean apart is apart right? Shouldn't matter where we are as long as times are the same, but for some reason it's not the same. And now there is a time difference -a big difference!
I miss Him already.
Thank god it's only 13 days until we'll be together. That's one day less than we'll be together.
Sir and i was talking tonight, about lots of things, and we somehow came in on the subject of hypnosis. He asked me if i'd ever been interested in it. I answered honestly that i haven't really, then i added "i do think however that Dominance can have a very similar effect".
Now let's pause here. Many of you will know that i can't "work" posts, i write them as they come to me, and most often i figure things out this way. Not by pondering, but by my fingers moving over the keys to make words i didn't know i had in my head. Like answers to a question i have never thought about. Like this one. And i didn't think about an answer. My fingers wrote what my mind was thinking before i could hear it, so to speak. Does that make sense? Probably not....
Anyways that's how i work, and it's how i came to the conclusion of this conversation.
OK, to get back to the conversation.
For ease i will script that part:
Brutus: have you ever been interrested in hypnosis?
melinda: no Sir not really
i do think however that Dominance can have a very similar effect
Brutus: really
so you think it is a state of hypnosis
melinda: not as in a way i don't know i'm doing it
but as in the same kind of.....trigger
Brutus: explain that
melinda: in hypnosis you are put in an.... open-minded state...where you are open for suggestions and inclined to follow
i'd say submission is a bit the same under the right Dominance
Brutus: but with hypnosis you do things unconsciously
melinda: getting into that mindset can feel a bit like someone pushing a button---like when you "get lost" into hypnosis
i know that's what i said was the difference....but the state of mind of compliance is the same
Brutus: I never looked at it like that
melinda: like the other day...when i struggled to find my pain management
suddenly something turned the main switch, not even the trip
it's not like i wasn't submissive before...but that made it into something else
a bit like the snapping of the fingers in hypnosis
but in reverse i guess
Brutus: interesting
melinda: *shrugs*
i might be up in the clouds here i dunno
it's what came into my head when you asked tho
Brutus: no it is how you experience it melinda
interesting any way
melinda: can't say i've really thought of it myself before
Brutus: so now you can
and write a post about it.
And here it is.
What do you think?
Would anyone agree with me, or is my head up in the clouds?
I know that when i feel i really need to remind myself of my submission -with or without pain- i often ask Sir if i can have a minute. Once granted i close my eyes and talk to myself. Tell myself 'i need to...', 'i should...', 'Sir.....', 'for Him...' etc etc.
Once i feel my head bow, my eyes soften, and yeah even my mind quieten, i know i've succeeded. For however long, sometimes just a few minutes, but then it's just to rinse & repeat.
Is that maybe some kind of self-hypnosis-like state?
OK by now you should all know of the polemics this haircut has caused -hard to miss right?!
Well i finally let that one go, i now have a new favourite -which Sir has endorsed! So this is possibly my next haircut
Yeah i've done it again!
Dunno what's gotten into me lately!
Well, you already know i'm incapable of lying and that i am brutally honest, what you may not know is that i also go into great details about things.
I'm getting a haircut - waaaaaay overdue! Like 6 months overdue. I have no real rule about this apart from a few specifications: No major changes without checking with Him first and then there are a few no-no's like shaving my head in such (yeah, not gonna happen! Not completely anyways =P)
So, i coloured my hair today. It's black as usual. Sir asked how it looked like and He asked for a pic. I told Him about really needing a haircut and that i'm booking one next week, and asked i could wait with the picture till then (my hair really is HORRID just now!), He gave me permission to wait.
Now this is where the conversation should've ended!
But no not melinda.
melinda asks if there's something she's not allowed to do. With the hair having grown so much there is a wider scope for change than normal. So, OK, that was a valid question. But i didn't stop there either. We started googling for pictures. I even collected some and emailed them to Sir while we were looking at stuff. Bad, bad, bad idea!
It ended up with Sir not liking my favourite choice!
The cause of polemics |
Sir and i had a very good night last nite. But it didn't start so well. I was feeling unwell again, and quite frankly feeling a bit sorry for myself, so when Sir told me to get the crocks out i got into a bit of an huff. That's a lie -i huffed pretty damned hard! Let's say that the "Yes Sir" response did not come with a smile on the lips. It was more of a
Remember these from back in the day? ~ Nostalgia ~ |
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