

Like something? Catch it!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Last week PuSS was on sick leave, this week i'm still sick but i couldn't let you all go without for another week now could i? (Sir might be tempted to take over then!) This week it's a double theme, well artist and theme: Fritz Willis and boobs (thought You might like that Sir *grins*).

by Fritz Willis

Time for bed
by Fritz Willis

by Fritz Willis

Pin up with towel
by Fritz Willis
Recicling semi nude 
by Fritz Willis


Oh! The winner from last week you ask?

T'is the one:

Happy voting!
With love,


Elder said...

An other case of "I want them all !!!"
any way, have to vote for one so with the slightest advantage I will vote for #3

March 4, 2012 at 11:44 PM
Unknown said...

Just realized this was my 200th post =)

March 5, 2012 at 5:08 PM

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