Friday, January 20, 2012
Pain and Tears and Fog and Jungle
(...does that make it into a jumble?)
I have lots to write, tonight's session with Sir brought out a lot of stuff (it always does when you least expect it doesn't it?). I think I could write a whole book about it. If i wasn't so tired. I might even go to bed without having sent Him the pictures from it...rare thing that, I don't think Sir will mind though (if i did i wouldn't do it now would i?).
*sigh* I just wish I knew what's up with me....
I'll try to write about it tomorrow, chances are though that it is completely gone from my mind by then. Let's hope not.
Thank You Sir for being patient with me, for putting up with all my weirdo moments and over-complicated, over-analyzing & completely incomprehensible mind.
I adore You <3
Respect and Adoration |
hope you are feeling better tomorrow my friend....big hugs and i love the picture :)
January 20, 2012 at 3:47 AMlove and hugs kiwi xxx
Ah yes, "stuff" I gots lots of it. Always odd when it chooses to surface at unexpected times. I often wish I knew what was up with me as well.
January 20, 2012 at 5:06 AMAt least it makes a difference having someone to help us find our way through the stuff!
So what did I tell you melinda? "I was fed up of that rubber sex doll long before" (and mending it each time after needle play) I want a woman, and you make me happy. I know you are a complex girl, but I was not on the look for a simpleton so all is fine.
January 20, 2012 at 8:02 AMPS, it was nice meeting you this morning online, have a lovely day melinda
Anyone ever tell You how special You are? :-*
January 20, 2012 at 8:36 AMIt was a good way to start the day Sir. Start and end with You.
Thank you girls! Yeah isn't it annoying being a mess lil? A nuisance I say, a nuisance.
Glad to see you're so happy!
January 20, 2012 at 10:58 PMHugs,
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